Why has the colour of my skin become a taboo? Why does the colour of my skin set me up for failure? Why is the colour of my skin the supposed inferior one? From the day I am born I am immersed into guidelines, rules and laws. Why?
Everyone is telling me the same thing over and over again to ensure it is imprinted into my head. They all want to engrave it in my brain that I will never go anywhere just because I'm what .....black?
Every rule I'm given is like a game of hangman. Just that with every rule, a limb of mine is stuck into a box I can never fit it in. All these rules drowning me into a pool of questions that will always be answered the same way "That's.... the way..... it is!"
Why am I being stuffed into a box I can barely breathe in, a box that makes sure I am always restricted, a box that keeps me on the white man's leash and I will not apologize for speaking up because that's what I have always been taught not to do.
"Always apologize to the white man", my mama told me, "even if you're not in the wrong because he can bring you down with one word and make sure you can't get back up. Never get on the white man's bad side because he is your backer without him you are nothing." Is this the so-called destiny because if it is I will never submit.
I crave for change but from the bottom of the ocean, my voice will never make it to the top. I don't want to work extra hard only to be recognized when I'm at the peak of the mountain. I want my work to be recognized for what it is because what I fear most is I will never be able to reach the peak.